Kjo Kontrate lejon Qarkullimin e Makines Brenda dhe Jashte Territorit te Shqiperise.

-Koha minimale e marrjes me qera eshte 2 dite me çdo ore vonese ne dorezimin e makines paguhet me 1/5 e qerase ditore.

-Qeramarresi do te paguaje te gjithe Shumen e shkruajtur ne kontrate pavarsisht se per srsye te ndryshme te tij nuk perdoret makina.

-Qeramarresi do te paguaje 500leke, nese autoomjeti dorezohet i papastruar brenda dhe jashte.

-Qeramarresi do te paguaj 190 leke/ liter karburant te dorezuar me pak se ceshte marre dorezim, dhe ne rast se dorezohet me me shum karburant qeradhenesi nuk do te paguaj gje.

-Ndalohet perdorimi i makines per cdo qellim tjeter, pervec tij qe eshte shkruajtur ne lejen e qarkullimit.

-Qeramarresi eshte i detyruar ta ktheje makinen ne gjendjen si e ka marre.

-Qeramarresi eshte pergjegjes per makinen dhe do te demshperbleje cdo defekt ose demtim qe shkaktohet per faj te tij. Gjithashtu edhe demtimi ne pjesen e poshtme ose shkaterrimin e gomave.

-Qeramarresi duhet te marre menjeher ne telefon ne rast aksidenti dhe prisjes se makines ne rast fajesie paguan shpenzimet e transportit te mjetit deri tek servisi si dhe diten e plote te qerase deri ne dalje e automjetit nga servisi.

Ne cminin e dites perfshihen km pa limit.


Per cdo lloj shkelje te ligjit te qarkullimit rrugor, ju paguani cdo lloj gjobe dhe mbani pergjesi per cdo detyrim ligjor.
Ne asnje rrethane qeradhenesi nuk eshte pergjegjes per mallra qe mund te jene lene ne automjet gjate apo ne perfundim te periudhes se qeramarrjes.
Pasojat ligjore qe burojne nga veprimi apo mosveprimet e qeramarres, gjate periudhes se qeramarrjes me ose pa automjet eqeradhenesit jane pergjegjesi e tij, qofshin civile apo penale.

Mbarrimi i kontrates: Kontrataa mbaron kur klienti k then makinen, celsat dhe dokumentat e makines.

Demtimet e makines: Makines do ti behen foto nga te 4 anet para se ti jepet klientit, per arsye qe kur te kthehet makina do te konfirmohet nese klienti ka shkaktuar deme ose jo.

Depozita: Depozita qe klienti e jep do te perdoret per arsyet e poshteshenuara:
-Ne rast vonese te klientit.
-Ne rast demtimi te makines (gomat,gervishtje, demtimet ne parkim etj.)
-Ne rast se makina ka gjoba te marra gjate periudhes se kontrates.

Gjobat: Qeramarresi ka per detyre qe te tregoje te gjitha gjobat qe ka marre gjate periudhes se kontrates. Ne rast fshehje te gjobave qeradhenesi eshte i detyruar te paralajmeroj qeramarresin se do denoncohet nese nuk do paguaj gjobat.
Qeramarresi do te paguah 30dite qera ne rast humb dokumentat e makines.


This contract allows the vehicle to circulate inside and outside of Albania.

-The minimum rental times is 2 days and every hour of delay in the car delivery is paid by 1/5 of the rent for day.

-The customer will pay all the amount written in the contract. Even though for various reasons he she does not use the car.

-The customer will pay 500 leke, if the vehicle is delivered unwashed inside and outside.

-The customer will pay 190leke/liter if there is less fuel than what was received in the delivery and if delivered with more fuel the company will not pay.

-It is forbidden to use the car for any other purpose than the one that is written in the driving license.

-The customer is obliged to return the car to the state as received.

-The customer must immediately call the company in case of accident and car breakdown and in case of guilt, he/she pays the vehicle transport cost to the service as well as the rental days until the vehicle is out of service.

-At the price of the day are included unlimited kilometers.

If is forbidden to drive the car from other people who are not authorized in the contract.

For any violation of the road traffic law the customer will pay any kind of fine end will be responsible for any legal obligation.

Under no circumstance the company is not responsible for any goods that may be left in the vehicle darning or at the end of the rental period legal consequences arising from or not the customer’s actions during the rental period with or without the company’s vehicle are his or her responsibility whether civil or criminal.

If the car does not return within 24 hours after the end of the contract the customer will be denounced.

Termination of contract:
The contract expires when the customer returns the car, car keys and car papers.

Machine damage: The car will take a picture from the four sides before being given to the customer because when the car returns, it will be confirmed whether the customer has caused damage or not.

Deposit: The deposit that the customer gives us will be used for the reasons below, in case of delay; in case of damage to the car.( tires, grits, damage to parking etc)

Fines: The customer obligated to show the company all the fines he has received during the contract period. In case of fines, the company is obliged to warn the customer that she/he will be denounced if she/he does not pay fines. The customer will pay 30days rent if they lose the car documents.